Auch im englischen Geschäftsgesprächen dürfen Sie Ihre Meinung sagen und sollen. Benutzen Sie hierzu Einleitungen, damit es klar ist, dass Sie Ihre persönliche Sichtweise darstellen. Heute stellen wir Ihnen einige englische Redewendungen vor, um Ihre Meinung klar in Geschäftssituationen zu äußern.
Dear Reader,
Today we are presenting some ways to express your opinion clearly in business situations. To start with it is a given that you may express your opinion and you should. Start off with the following expressions and then adapt stronger or softer language, depending on the situation. As a rule of thumb, the longer the introduction, the more diplomatic the point of view:
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o I think / believe / find that…
o In my opinion,…
o From my point of view / From my perspective,…
o According to my estimates,…
o I am convinced / sure that…
o There is no doubt that…
o I think / assume / would say that…
o I have the impression that … / I am under the impression that…
o We also need to take into consideration that…
o Let is also be said that…
o I tend to see it a bit differently. As far as I know…
o Another thing in this connection is…
o It is also remarkable that…
When presenting your opinion in English, avoid making simple statements as you may do in German (Example: Das ist falsch!) At this point, you would be putting your foot in your mouth.
I believe we have come to the end for today. Until next time.
Nelly Thomas