Business English: Was hat Amy Winehouse mit Ihrem Geschäft zu tun?

Passiert Ihnen das auch manchmal? Ihnen fällt momentan nichts ein, was Sie zum Smalltalk beitragen können? Heute geben wir Ihnen eine neue Idee, die, wenn Sie Musik mögen, zudem auch noch viel Spaß bereiten kann.

Dear Reader,
Are you ever in the situation where you are stuck for something to say in a business conversation? One way to naturally expand your vocabulary, improve your skills and have fun at the same time is to listen to popular English songs.

Often, English songs that you hear on radio are actually everday language, arranged into poems and then set to music. By singing along, you automatically take on the natural melody of the language and internalize the grammar, sentence structures and style unconciously.

Today we’re going to look at some regular everyday office language using Amy Winehouse’s song “Valerie“ as a basis for a conversation. How can you adapt the following sentences so that they fit to you? (hint: some of these sentences will not need adapting):

  • Won’t you come on over?
  • Why don’t you come on over?
  • Did you have to go to jail, put your house up for sale?

Note: to put your house up for sale = common expression for selling your home on the market.

  • Did you get a good lawyer?
  • Hope you find the right man to fix it for you.
  • Note: to fix it = in Ordnung bringen
    Are you shopping anywhere?
  • Are you busy?
  • And did you have to pay that fine that you was (slang für were) dodging all the time?

Note: to dodge = aus dem Weg gehen

  • Are you still busy?

The full lyrics to the song can be found at e.g.:
To learn more about Amy Winehouse, visit her website at
Have fun! Until next time.
Nelly Thomas