Business English: Wie Sie sich und andere professionell vorstellen

Im Geschäftsleben müssen Sie immer mal wieder sich und andere vorstellen. Gerade bei wichtigem Besuch kann das gegenseitige Vorstellen ein wahrer Fettnäpfchen-Slalom werden, besonders wenn es sich um ausländischen Besuch handelt. Hier ein paar Standardsätze, die Ihnen bei der Vorstellung auf Englisch helfen:

What to say if you want to introduce yourself to somebody else

  • Hello, I’m Helen Klein.
  • Hello, may I introduce myself? I’m Helen Klein.

If you want to introduce two or more people to each other

When you introduce two or more people to each other, always mention the most ‘important’ person first. In these examples, John Miles is the boss, Sabine Schmidt is a new employee, and Ms Adams, Mr Blunt and Mrs Fowler are customers.

  • John, I’d like to introduce Sabine Schmidt. Sabine has just started to work in sales. Sabine, this is John, the regional manager.
  • Ms Adams, I’d like to introduce you to our regional sales manager, John Miles, this is Nancy Adams from XYZ Company.
  • Ms Adams, have you met Mr Blunt and Mrs Fowler? Mr Blunt is with ABC and Mrs Fowler works at XYZ in Zurich.

If you want to introduce two people to each other, but one name is difficult to pronounce

You’ve tried to remember a difficult name, but just can’t get your tongue
around it. You can try pronouncing it as best you can, or you can ask them to introduce themselves.

  • Tim, this is … I’m sorry, but I’m going to get your name wrong. Could I ask you to say it again, please?
  • I don’t think you two have met. Perhaps you’d like to introduce yourselves.

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