Auslandsbriefe: So schreiben Sie eine Mahnung auf Englisch

Einen Beispieltext für Ihre Mahnung auf Englisch schlägt „Der neue Brief-Berater“ vor:

  • Anrede: "Dear Mr … "
  • Betreff: "Reminder Account Number 67584"
  • Einleitung: "According to our records, our invoice no. 67584 of 26th May has not been settled. The enclosed copy shows an outstanding balance of EUR 5,055."
  • Mittelteil: "Perhaps this delay in payment is simply due to an oversight on your part. In that case, we would kindly ask you to remit the amount in question in the next few days. If, however, there should be reasons for non-payment, we would urgently ask you to contact us. Should there be a problem, perhaps we can find a solution together."
  • Schluss: "You will surely understand that we wish to ensure that the amount due is paid without further delay. We look forward to your prompt reply. Yours sincerely …"
  • Anrede: "Dear Mr … "
  • Betreff: "Reminder Account Number 67584"
  • Einleitung: "According to our records, our invoice no. 67584 of 26th May has not been settled. The enclosed copy shows an outstanding balance of EUR 5,055."
  • Mittelteil: "Perhaps this delay in payment is simply due to an oversight on your part. In that case, we would kindly ask you to remit the amount in question in the next few days. If, however, there should be reasons for non-payment, we would urgently ask you to contact us. Should there be a problem, perhaps we can find a solution together."
  • Schluss: "You will surely understand that we wish to ensure that the amount due is paid without further delay. We look forward to your prompt reply. Yours sincerely …"

Jetzt kaufen: Business Englisch für Dummies (Fur Dummies).

Einen Beispieltext für Ihre Mahnung auf Englisch schlägt "Der neue Brief-Berater" vor: