Personal financial vocabulary: Key contacts

Wenn es um meine persönliche Finanzen in den USA geht, mit wem habe ich es im Einzelnen zu tun, wenn es um mein Geld geht? Hier geben wir Ihnen einen kurzen Überblick über die “key contacts”.

Dear Reader,

In dealing with various professionals during the course of our lifetime, we come across different professional titles. In three easy steps, let’s deal with this subject at hand.

Learn new vocabulary in 3 easy steps

  1. Make a list of all the professionals you deal with in health care, at the bank, service providers (such as telephone company), insurance, etc. What you don’t know in English, write down in your mother tongue.
  2. Next look on the list on Page 2 of our document At your fingertips and add/compare with your list.
  3. Then, write a description of your list of contacts using as much of the vocabulary presented as makes sense.

Vocabulary list
Here is a list of vocabulary to refer to in German. It is organized in the order of appearance:

  • Family member = Familienmitglied
  • Primary care physician = Hausarzt
  • Physician = Arzt
  • Pediatrician = Kinderarzt
  • Guardian for minors = Vormund für Minderjährige
  • Home health aide = häusliche Krankenpflege
  • Primary health insurance = Krankenversicherung
  • Secondary health insurance = Krankenzusatzversicherung
  • Financial advisor = Finanzberater
  • Attorney = Rechtsanwalt
  • Executor = Testamentvollstrecker, Nachlassverwalter
  • Power of attorney = Handlungsvollmacht
  • Accountant = Steuerberater
  • Dentist = Zahnarzt
  • Veterinarian = Tierarzt
  • Telephone provider = Dienstleistungsanbieter für Telefon
  • Cellular phone provider = Dienstleistungsanbieter für Handy
  • Cable provider = Dienstleistungsanbieter für Kabelfernsehen
  • Gas company = Erdgasanbieter
  • Electric company = Stromanbieter

After going through the exercise myself, I have decided to go an update my own financial information. How about you?

Kind regards,

Nelly Thomas